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Goggles that do it for ya
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Don't be fooled by photos of incredibly cute girls wearing rediculous fashion. It does not look good as a fashion. It barely looks good on beautiful women and that's because you want it to look good. This is all to say, No, it won't look good on you.
>>138 Oh just shut it, dork.
moaar info on >>55
hell even that DOOR is hot!
>>158 Got it (and pictured) from a flikr search for goggles
..Maybe it was "goggles" and "women" or "girls"
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super ugly. looks like crap from the 80s or maybe something yo mamma would wear
>>142 it's a vintage Goldworm dress from the 70's
if i had this thats b it i be dougs
Taylor Fuchs, D&G Fall 2009
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>>151 >>148 I don't care what they say, I am not gong to use a purse
Tiger of Sweden Fall 2009 backstage
CUTE SOCKS post some and links to sites you can buy them at
16 posts and 12 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>>113 Other pants
>>114? lol x.x
The motherland of all socks. :)
Also, the mall. Generally in at least one store, you can find pretty cute stuff as far as feet are concerned.
>>30>>31i want these sooo hard
is this fashion?
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a ugly trend maybe, wouldn't call it fashion
Muffin Top, Muffin Top, Muffin Top. LOOSE SOME WEIGHT.
God, I can't stand whales.
>>137 You're the same dork from the goggles thread aren't you. Fuck off already.
the pocket stitching doesn't flatter her ass and shit.
i love ali
It's all about G-Star Raw for me.
I've gone absolutely gay for their clothes.
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I love these jeans, but they fit too slim.
Totally picking up the boots, though.
>>109 Not liking the overalls in the middle, but eveerything else looks cool
it looks pretty low quality
the idea was actually water that costs more per litre than two gallons of gas.
>>102 As a fashion accessory?
>>103 yes, why else would you waste that much money on water?
STEAMPUNK AMAGADKato, model and creator of a line of steampunk clothes.
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Sort of steampunk meets cyberpunk. I like em
Where will phantom bump strike again??
C'mon, post something fashee-nobble
>>48 I like the starsNot much for large, flashy tattoos, but a small version elsewhere would be very cute.
Everyone knows its berry colours, "fantasy" blouses, statement jewelry, high vamp heels, and lace this season!