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Goggles that do it for ya
Or whatever
>>38she has such a pretty/delicate face, and gorgeous colouring
tell me that i am crazy, op == pigtail girl?
>>104 Its not her. Now get her out of my goggles threadUnless you can get me one with her wearing goggles. That would be sweet.
Don't be fooled by photos of incredibly cute girls wearing rediculous fashion. It does not look good as a fashion. It barely looks good on beautiful women and that's because you want it to look good. This is all to say, No, it won't look good on you.
>>138 Oh just shut it, dork.
moaar info on >>55
hell even that DOOR is hot!
>>158 Got it (and pictured) from a flikr search for goggles
..Maybe it was "goggles" and "women" or "girls"