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CUTE SOCKS post some and links to sites you can buy them at
I WANT THESE Steve Madden, over-knee with lace ruffle.>>25I had a pair of these when I was like 12 or so and they were SO FUCKING UNCOMFORTABLE. My toes were constricted and freezing from poor circulation.
;_; I'm so weirdbut they look warmthese are from
chinese laundry
Ozone (you can get them at joyofsocks)
patterns of tights from joyofsocks
and more tights. they have tons.
yep, need these
>>107 No
>>108Why not?
>>113 Other pants
>>114? lol x.x
The motherland of all socks. :)
Also, the mall. Generally in at least one store, you can find pretty cute stuff as far as feet are concerned.
>>30>>31i want these sooo hard