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No.7975 : Anonymous Drone [2022-10-28 02:16] [Report] 1666937766845.jpg (60941 B, 1024x640) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
60941 B

Do Zoomers still like Shrek or am I late to the party?


No.7938 : Anonymous Drone [2022-09-25 03:18] [Report] 1664090297875.jpg (130892 B, 1610x911) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
130892 B

chansluts is famous
expect mass influx of newfags

No.7939 : Anonymous Drone [2022-09-25 08:09] [Report] []


No.7942 : Anonymous Drone [2022-10-02 03:30] [Report] []

I wish you tubers would quit talking about imageboards

No.7943 : Anonymous Drone [2022-10-04 21:45] [Report] []

>>7942 they need to the jew gold

No.7871 : >:) [2022-06-23 16:33] [Report] 1656016423800.png (34344 B, 225x280) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
34344 B
>be me
>raise the rent of single mothers by 10%
>doesn't elaborate further
No.7872 : Anonymous Drone [2022-06-23 17:02] [Report] []

single mothers are a societal disease just as much as landlords
if you have a problem with landlords, find them and kill them
in the end, you're a retard who is more concerned about landlords than the corrupt government
go back to drinking your dumb fuck juice

No.7633 : Anonymous Drone [2021-03-16 18:01] [Report] 1615932102418.png (80616 B, 750x750) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
80616 B
>Report system added. False reports will just get you banned. It will become more robust soon. DMCA/removal requests. >Suggestions and such on the Suggestions board.
No.7933 : Anonymous Drone [2022-09-11 14:49] [Report] 1662922181875.png (3609583 B, 2634x1972) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.7638 : Anonymous Drone [2021-03-21 07:20] [Report] 1616325654002.png (63305 B, 370x289) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
63305 B

hey , is anyone still here?

7 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.7791 : Anonymous Drone [2022-03-14 09:54] [Report] 1647266046060.gif (3842995 B, 303x335) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.7805 : Anonymous Drone [2022-03-30 04:53] [Report] []

i find this " deviant sex/hatred alluring realm " so friggin erotic, it has drawn me to a state of masturbatory bliss. yep ...... strokin over ya'll !!!

No.7894 : Anonymous Drone [2022-07-27 19:15] [Report] []

<I knew he was a (((clone!)))

>how much do they get paid?
>do they go halfsies and share their pay?
No.7932 : Anonymous Drone [2022-09-11 14:48] [Report] 1662922100488.png (3283475 B, 2687x1432) [YIS] [GIS] []
3283475 B


No.7551 : Anonymous Drone [2020-10-19 10:56] [Report] 1603119409748.jpg (79576 B, 1024x768) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
79576 B

I appreciate Liru and all she has done to make imageboards, nay... LIFE so fantastic for the world. I just can't imagine what my life would be like without her. Probably worse and for that, I am eternally grateful. Thank You.

No.7578 : Anonymous Drone [2020-12-27 22:31] [Report] 1609126314766.jpg (258679 B, 1020x1320) [YIS] [GIS] []
258679 B

Here here!

No.7579 : Anonymous Drone [2020-12-28 12:27] [Report] []

>>7578 merry christmas to you too, and a happy new year

No.7873 : Anonymous Drone [2022-06-23 22:09] [Report] 1656036589553.jpg (1124829 B, 1050x1680) [YIS] [GIS] []
1124829 B

Oh yeah

No.7860 : Anonymous Drone [2022-06-11 12:45] [Report] 1654965908878.jpg (378767 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
378767 B

Pick one.

No.7858 : RecursiveBible [2022-06-04 21:14] [Report] 1654391689229.jpg (52671 B, 502x600) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
52671 B

Have any of you ever spent so much time with fundamentalists that you started thinking characters from the Bible decided to read the Bible itself to figure out what they had to do next? FUCK THE RECURSIVE BIBLE! Also, days were less than 24 hours long in the distant past, "red" was sometimes used in the Bible to describe brown objects, and most Bible-thumpers might secretly be porn addicts.

No.7859 : Anonymous Drone [2022-06-04 23:37] [Report] []

you seem to be retarded

No.7735 : MUSIC SHARE THREAD [2021-11-10 07:44] [Report] 1636548281255.jpg (291955 B, 871x871) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
291955 B

Post tunes you made!
Link to your spotify/soundcloud/youtube/bandcamp/whatever

I'll start:

Genre: Shameless Pop




Comment too long. Click here for full text.

No.7761 : Anonymous Drone [2022-01-10 00:40] [Report] 1641793241820.jpg (134245 B, 700x700) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.7820 : Anonymous Drone [2022-04-24 01:44] [Report] 1650779064915.png (73623 B, 360x372) [YIS] [GIS] []
73623 B

Just dropped EXOTIC FUNCTIONS: A Very Friendly Tribute to THROBBING GRISTLE


No.7822 : Anonymous Drone [2022-04-24 18:15] [Report] []

keep at it

No.7815 : Anonymous Drone [2022-04-20 11:06] [Report] 1650467215374.png (349444 B, 444x444) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
349444 B

Do posts still have to be approved before showing up?

No.7817 : Anonymous Drone [2022-04-21 17:31] [Report] []

guess not

No.7804 : Anonymous Drone [2022-03-29 11:49] [Report] 1648568967321.jpg (57103 B, 556x500) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
57103 B

Broken PeePee Man

No.7833 : Anonymous Drone [2022-05-13 16:14] [Report] 1652472874143.jpg (142651 B, 698x333) [YIS] [GIS] []
142651 B

Russia should've done this now. hanging head on stick

No.7779 : Anonymous Drone [2022-02-16 12:27] [Report] 1645032475237.jpg (69936 B, 1280x720) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
69936 B


am SICK of clean, streamline web...where are the fucking real people? is humanity completely dead

No.7780 : Anonymous Drone [2022-02-16 12:56] [Report] []

clean? where?

No.7800 : Anonymous Drone [2022-03-25 16:34] [Report] 1648240475342.webm (2997064 B, 576x320) [YIS] [GIS] []
2997064 B


No.7762 : oswaldsrevenge63 [2022-01-10 17:32] [Report] 1641853954740.jpg (365099 B, 1200x900) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
365099 B

What is G2??What is S2??
What was/is ODESSA?
What's going on here 9.563898012266925, 8.476296333017324?
What's happened here 32.901911226277804, -82.02360027114496?
What are they up to here 33.74916902678219, -117.86841403593506?

No.7746 : oswaldsrevenge63 [2022-01-02 18:32] [Report] 1641166356966.jpg (3967 B, 212x238) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
3967 B

-2020-12-09=Log In Confirmed….Negative
-2020-12-10=Log In Confirmed….Negative
-2020-12-11=Log In Confirmed….Negative
-2020-12-12=Log In Confirmed….Negative, Snail sniffer programmed auto initiated…..Confirmed

3 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.7754 : oswaldsrevenge63 [2022-01-06 12:42] [Report] []

-2021-06-15=Q13, Codename Aurora logs into secure Deadman Switch email system. Auto email feed for Operation Aurora Phoenix ReInitiated.
Start 1, Start 2, Run 3, Initiate 4
Message follows
“Who is Q?
Q is You!
How many Q’s are there?
Too many Q’s to count
Each Q is unique
The real question is
Who are you?
Anyone can have Q Access
Access your inner
This is the story of You
Not Q”
Nothing Follows>>>END

No.7755 : oswaldsrevenge63 [2022-01-07 14:53] [Report] 1641585185858.png (4946 B, 1200x600) [YIS] [GIS] []
4946 B

-2021-8-16=Q13=Codename Aurora captured and executed in FBI/CIA raid in Honduras. Secure log info passed to Q15=Codename Oswalds Revenge for reposting. Auto posting program initiated 2022-01-01. Stand by
Nothing follows>>>END

No.7759 : oswaldsrevenge63 [2022-01-08 18:23] [Report] 1641684193900.jpg (50403 B, 500x500) [YIS] [GIS] []
50403 B

2022-01-07=Operation DTT initiated for erasure of traitors to QTeam. All possible means possible and Q Patriots enlisted for assistance. Target locations are as follows>>>>
–James Arthur Watkins, white male approx 59, Geo Coordinate 38.564902277625166, -121.73042713970304
–Ronald Arthur Watkins, asian male approx 35, Geo Coordinate 33.512668428330464, -112.01613604506048.
Erase with extreme prejudice
Nothing follows>>>END

No.7760 : Anonymous Drone [2022-01-09 00:32] [Report] 1641706341150.jpg (7747 B, 320x240) [YIS] [GIS] []
7747 B


No.7737 : Anonymous Drone [2021-11-11 12:17] [Report] 1636651026528.jpg (86128 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
86128 B

littlel girles sshuld hab da rite 2 uuse der bbodies howeber dey cchooze ann if dey wwanna hab s*x wit der bbodies den dey cane ann ids simplie upsedding 2 cee tthinges liek da aeg of concsent lawes trie to limit dis. aabolishe aeg ob concsent lawes !!!
BTW: iif u disaegree wit me u r a ffascist. wwho r u 2 wwanna ddictade bbodies dat rnt ure owne?? nazi.

No.7765 : Anonymous Drone [2022-01-13 09:10] [Report] []



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