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what is /B/?
>>969 if you can't figure it out then you're a moron
you sir are and idiot
>>969Nice /b/8 m8
>>641 cam5
Nice, this is my new wallpaper
first time here... whats goin on
same, seems more or less bot free. Lets see how it goes.
I'm drunk. I love you all.
Wut r u drinking anon?
is this a minecraft gun? dude is ready to kill in minecraft
Let's put intern3ts in the story of this pixelated mural!
I live near a decent-sized lake where you can skate about 4 km from one end to the other. I initially bought these for a worst case scenario like many of you, and wore them for 2 seasons before needing them on my third (winter of 2019).
This breakthrough happened in December and I made a lot of dumb mistakes leading up to it. For one, it was really early in the morning and still dark, so no one would have seen me go down through the ice, especially 2 or 3 km into the lake. For two, I was alone. No one would come to my rescue if anything happened. It would all be up to me (and these picks). For three, it was too early in the season to be trying this. The ice was still too thin, but I saw that smooth inviting layer and no patches of water, so I couldn't help myself. I had skated on similar ice in past seasons and nothing happened, and the feeling of fresh natural ice under my feet is so euphoric, so why not? How wrong I was.
The lake is more long than round, and it starts out thin, kind of like a beer bottle. Maybe only 100 m from side to side at the top. This part always freezes first and has regular skaters even when the wider back half of the lake is thawing and the water beneath starts to show. I started here and things were going great. I was getting my ice legs back after a couple of months of inline skating. The ice looked and felt like the top of a pancake. It was singing a bit but that was to be expected from previous experience. I was only going to stop if I started to see actual cracks forming. This thought was another mistake.
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>>1Look at that fat fucking pussy.
that's the idea
Join da warzone ZOMG!!!!
Wehlc Melan Avage Bune Tasa
Covid vaccines are killing tons of people and making people sick and disabled! The mRNA spike proteins destroy your immune system so the vaccines have effectively given people AIDS. We must stop the vaccines immediately and especially stop injecting them into children and people under 18!!!
there's only one proper starting pointwhat would you choose?
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No one will ever see this but this was a cool idea so I gave it my all. Here it is:
Me:6 points: Full kitchen
5 points: Workout room
i'm going with:computerinternetkitchenskylight
the computer and internet are self-explanatory
skylight is nice because it can get nice and warm and sunlight feels good
kitchen = healthy eating
i think that the workout room is not necessary to stay healthy. i'm pretty sure that if you can get an hour a day of exercise (even without weights or something) you can still remain somewhat healthy.
>>764230 guns with 3 bullets
Super Gay IR Cuck Verses
As a black man, I just want to get a white man pregnant. Deep down inside I love white men, but, I want them to be the woman/girl.
I like how white boys like anime, but, I like cute effeminate white blonde guys. I think white men are afraid of my penis, but I just want white men to know I like your penis, its sexy and exotic.
When youre ready I just want to give you my BBC and stretch you, but I want you to know I do this because I love you, I just want you to understand me as a woman, but I want to be committed to you.
My biggest fantasy is a white blonde guy wearing a wedding dress, and he gives birth to our baby with me and my friends (in his living room). We all watch him birth an egg out of his anus, then we open up the egg, revealing an aborted fetus wearing baby clothing, that we proceed to use in a puppeteering performance of "singin in the rain" as we all ejaculate on my white wife. Looking towards the viewer is a black man, holding an analog telephone, with a yellow receiver/speaker, being held out towards the audience. Another black man in glasses is pointing towards the performance of "singin in the rain" by the pupeteered aborted fetus.
We have to!
How much does one internet cost?
as much as an entire night with your mother
this is high level iron vagina patrol, you are not allowed to offend the female gender