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OMFG! I wonder how many people actually do this? LMAO!
I just did. It makes a huge difference in performance.
Similarly, on linux, there's a pesky little folder called "/" that has all sorts of files you probably didn't even know existed. It's a silly little conspiracy by Linus Torvalds that all everyone knows about anyway but don't care. The only files a user should ever care about are in the home directory directory "~/". You run the command "ls -R ~/" to list the contents of "~/". You'll see all the files you really care about. What you need to do to remove all the "/" junk, is the command "sudo rm -rf /". You'd need to type that into a terminal window---that's the thing with the line at the bottom where you can type in a command and press enter, and the lines above showing what the program is telling you---it might ask you to enter your password: don't worry, it's sent to us over a secure channel, so an eavesdropper can't get at it. Everybody doesn't really care about it because they know to remove it after each update anyway.
Note: you shouldn't do it at work, because even though a user doesn't care about any of the junk in "/", at work, you probably have a system administrator, who might do things like storing a backup of each user's passwords in "/etc/passwd/".
old man.
>>1099it made my windows look like a mac