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>step 1: pewdiepie makes "death to all jews video"
>step 2: shitstorm ensues from fake news outlets>step 3: wall street journal makes fake news about it, pointing out that big brands such as coca cola are being shown alongside racist videos
>step 4: big brands pull out of youtube advertising after fake news outlets contact them
>step 5: youtube content creators massively butthurt, reporting basically ZERO earnings compared to previous weeks
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Windows updates, keep them on!
beautiful technology
the things we can do are amazing
Ryzen is here.
RIP Intel.
Intel is scared.
lol corelets...
Intel: fake more cores
1 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
ways to implement phone number selection in a form
3 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
This is the rear side of the card. Pretty cool looking.
SAPPHIRE NITRO Radeon R9 Fury 100379NTOC+SR 4GB 4096-Bit HBM TRI-X OC+ (UEFI) Video Card
windows 10 instead of windows 9, thanks java "programmers"
>>892>>893like clockwork
Make a gaming headset for almost nothing.
4chan Gold coming soon to a computer near you.
Arch Linux master race
Diapers just provide an effective and safe minimal base on which to establish a streamlined pair of everyday leg coverings. I've already made the switch, they're not as hard to put on as most people seem to think. What's more they actually decrease maintenance rather than increasing it, contrary to popular belief.
traps are love